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Get a Free PayDotComm Widget and Profit with It

Have you heard of PayDotComm? It is an online store selling info-products in a wide categories. And it also has an affiliate program that shares sale revenue with people who make sales for PayDotComm.

Recently, I found that PayDotComm has designed their own widget where you can place it on your blog. The widget will recommend the top info-products of PayDotComm related to your content with your affiliate links included. As the widget display top products related to your content, it will draw the attention of your blog readers and visitors.

When a reader clicks on a link to check out a recommended product and then purchase the product, you will earn a percentage of affiliate commission.

For those of you who like to monetize your blog with affiliate programs, you may like to test drive PayDotComm widget.

There is a video demonstration at http://paydotcom.com/widgetlp.php that describes how it's widget works and how you can make money with it.

1 komentar:

  1. thanks for allow me for commenting i think it very helpful for me and also new joiner i also same like work if you like please wist also my page Thanks
